Tuesday 21 October 2008


  1. WOW! What an awesome cathedral! Its so beautiful! nothing we have here can compare to the beauty in the old architecture you have where you are...lovely thanks for sharing

  2. That is very awe-inspiring. Such grand architecture. Nothing like that here either although Montréal has the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral based on the famous one.

  3. I love York Minster!!! How great! I decided that if you were to climb those stairs daily you would have beautiful legs. Smiles. My favorite thing when I visited York Minster was the view out over the Shambles. Sigh. Beautiful. I am also excited you were born on Halloween; pumpkins are simply delightful.

  4. I have never made it to York. This post was such a treat to see inside York Minster! So beautiful.

  5. I don't believe I've ever been there either; I think my only visit to York was for an interview for the University, when I was inarticualte with nerves and didn't get in!

    The cathedral looks wonderful. I suppose we have to accept that if we want things looked after as museums we have to pay, but I wonder how you can prove you are genuinely worshipping?

    I miss English churches and cathedrals, though I'm not a practising Christian. Little I've seen here quite gives me the same kind of feeling of wonder and beauty. A French neighbour once asked, when we were showing her some photos of churches we'd taken on a trip to the UK, if the English were very 'pieux', attached to their religion. I said perhaps not, but that they were attached to their churches.

  6. Yes kyfarmlife we are very lucky to live so near to so much beautiful architecture.

  7. I have been in Notre Dame in Montreal, Janice - it is also very beautiful.

  8. Red clover - I couldn't possibly contemplate climbing all those stairs - almost 300 and the top part the corridor is only 25 inches wide! I don't think I would ever make the top although I am sure the view would be worth it.

  9. Glad you enjoyed the pictures Pamela.

  10. Glad you enjoyed the pictures Pamela.

  11. I agree Lucy - you don't have to be a practising Christian to appreciate the beauty of our churches and cathedrals. Apart from the architecture, they have a peace and tranquility which I find most important.

  12. what lovely photos, its such a stunning building, years since I've been so thanks for the reminder...
