Monday 15 September 2008

Textile Art

I thought it was time I put another piece of my work onto my blog.
There is a technique called Burning which I was very keen to try after reading a super little book by Fay Maxwell "Burning and Slashing"( so I got together lots of different gauzy/metallic material bits and cut them up into very small pieces. I laid them on to a piece of old blanket, covered them with a piece of gauzy material and tacked it down well (probably three inches depth to the bits). Then I machined randomly all over the piece until it was well anchored. Now comes the fun bit - with a mask on to protect against fumes I pushed my soldering iron deep into the work until it burned back and melted the metallic bits in the materials. I found that as I did pieces some of the results were exciting, some quite mundane - in fact you never knew quite what the result was going to be. This is one piece I was particularly pleased with. I have it mounted on the wall in a fairly wide, dull gold frame where the sunlight catches it at certain times of day - then it glints in places and is quite pleasing.


  1. Sounds dangerous but looks great!

    Thank you for your comment on my blog - I've replied to you there, but thank you for worrying.
    I'll try to post a new one this week some time.

  2. Hi Weaver,Thanks for stopping by. I like the part about "you don't what it is going to be". It's the serendipitous element I like in creating. May I add you to my list of blogs I visit?

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog in the US today! I think this is a really cool piece of artwork.

  4. Gosh this is fabulous - I've never seen this before - love the colours.
    What a neat form of art!

  5. Thanks for the comments Pat - look forward to your next blog. It is great to be so busy that there is no time to blog! (But then one misses the experience, I find)

  6. Thanks World Away - shall be delighted if you add me to your list. Love the idea of the serendipitous element - yes, you are right - that is what makes it exciting. I read a brilliant Jackson Pollock comment along those lines but can't remember it!!

  7. Glad you liked my textile Country Girl. I loved your blog and shall visit again - isn't it great to find kindred spirits via one's blog?

  8. it looks great and sounds a fascinating (and slightly risky!) technique!

  9. That looks great! Such a clever idea to create a work of art like this!

  10. What enormous fun. That's the sort of things we did on the course I attended. We often heated things with a hot air brush, that was fun too. Love the piece illustrated here.
