Thursday 4 September 2008

My week (7)

As I write this the sun is shining, but this has been another very wet week. Over an inch of rain has fallen here so far in September, and again the local farmers are struggling to get in the hay and the second or third crop silage. Even if the sun is shining the ground is too wet to support the heavy machinery.
So we have taken the opportunity to do some emulsion painting in our kitchen. The walls are covered with "this and that" - every time I put something new up on the wall David groans and says "not another nail in the wall." So all the bits and pieces came down this morning and the walls are now sunshine yellow again (they had gone to a paler colour). So even if it rains tomorrow (it is forecast) then the kitchen will be sunny again.
Has anyone out there a cure for a chewing puppy? Last week it was my feather duster (I came into the kitchen and thought Tess must have caught a blackbird - there were feathers everywhere). This week it is the switch and the door handle on the washing machine! So now there is a half-stable door fitted onto the utility room to keep the pup out. My lovely old wicker clothes basket has been reduced to a pile of wicker fragments. Her favourite trick is to grab the bag of potatoes and pinch them one by one, dropping them into various places - she then begins to chew them. I really wonder if she is teaching herself to peel the potatoes. At the last count she had eleven toys specifically designed for her to chew. But, I suppose she is like a lot of young children who would rather play with a cardboard box and the baking tins on Christmas morning.
Back to the rain again. A colleague of my God-daughter has a lovely phrase for a wet afternoon. She calls it "a train-set afternoon". I have written a poem on the theme because it always cheers me up that locals will go to any planned event regardless of the weather:-


  1. It's a stage puppies seem to have go through much like a child going through the teething process. Mine too chewed everything in sight. Fortunately this stage does pass :)
    Love that yellow colour - so bright and cheerful!

  2. Now this is a good reminder of the downside of having a dog! What kind is she?
