Thursday 18 September 2008

Hawthorne berries

Woodland ride

The last honeysucke bloom

Oak leaves are turning brown.
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  1. I wish we had oak trees - they are such a gorgeous tree.

  2. Beautiful, but a tad mournful after so wretched a summer.

  3. What a wonderful blog! thanks for visiting mine and I shall certainly come back here; lovely pictures, writing and textiles from a beautiful and fascinating corner of the world.

  4. These pictures give us all the taste of Autumn after such a short summer... Err, did we have one this year, Weaver?

    Best wishes,

  5. Your pictures are lovely and I felt like I was on the walk with you.

    Have a nice week-end.


  6. What a beautiful day! I love the autumn red of the hawthorn berries.

  7. Hi Janice. We do not have many here, we are really too far North for them to flourish. But, yes, they are lovely trees.

  8. Ah well, Dick, you can always see Autumn as "a tad mournful" except that I am not a hot weather fan so I really love that cool Autumn feeling.

  9. glad you finally saw my textile, Lucy - I had great fun doing it.

  10. Not sure where you live in the UK Annie - we have certainly not had much in the way of summer here in the North.

  11. Glad you enjoyed my walk Gramma ann - sure you have ome nice walks in Iowa - must look on the map and see where you are. Have been to New England States, Grand Canyon area and this year to Texas, Arisona and New Mexico. I love your country and the people are so friendly.

  12. Wow, spooky. If you re-visit my blog, you will see almost identical photos, the lone honeysuckle, hawthorn berries and browning oak leaves. My local wood is mostly beech and oak. It's wonderful. I went today and took far too many photos, as usual.

  13. It's definitely the beginning of autumn! As you say:"the last rose of summer" Great photos! The last one makes me a bit melancholic.
