Monday 24 June 2024

Going, going, ....

 Yes.   At last, after a gruelling fortnight, much of which has been spent lying languidly on my bed, my Covid test this morning tells me 'good-bye'.   One more test to go and then hopefully I shall feel better.  (difficult when one is going 'downhill' to decide when one feels 'better' from Covid but the wonderful herbaceous geraniums and roses are definitely making me feel more human (as long as I don't try to do anything!))

The sun certainly does the old bones good.

The irritant at the moment is that the batteries need changing in my garage door.   I have them here but cannot change them because it needs two hands.   My electrician is on holiday but is coming home today  (must be hard as the joyous background 'noise'  (or should I say 'nature's music') sounds so very tempting.  He  says he will pop round and change them for me this evening.

Off now to look for something tempting to eat (for  the past fortnight everything has tasted like cardboard).


Barbara Rogers said...

Yay for good-bye to COVID! So glad you're on the mend again. Hope you can enjoy a Kit-Kat at least, as well as something nutritious or another. Keep on keeping on. I'm always so glad to read your posts, about your doing the puzzles and keeping up with news.

Anonymous said...

I am happy you are feeling better! May every day be better than the last.

Best Wishes,

Debby said...

It never struck me until now. I remember that losing your taste was a side effect of covid that we all heard about back in the early days of covid. I had forgotten about it. As covid seemingly morphs into something less deadly, what were your symptoms? Did you have covid ever before or was this the first time? If you've had it before, did this seem like a milder, gentler covid?

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, but now I'm off to have a read about the current covid situation.

Barbara Anne said...

Cheers that you'll soon see the end of Covid and will begin that long recovery. Every day a bit better so that will be good. Hope your taste buds wake up so food is yummy once more. Meanwhile you can feast your eyes on your glorious garden!

Cheers that your electrician will be back on the job to install those batteries this evening.


Ellen D. said...

You have such a nice team of workers to take care of the needs of your home (and you!).
I am glad that Covid is negative now and hope your taste improves quickly. Enjoy your garden, Pat!

Ana Dunk said...

I am so glad to see you back among us. Any time one of us very senior seniors disappear from blogging (even with an excuse like covid) one wonders just how ill that person really is and will that be the end of their blogging career. Best wishes for continued improvement.

Share my Garden said...

So glad that you are on the mend. I've just returned from the Dales. We had a 'bit of weather' for our walks but it was beautiful as we were packing up to leave. It always seems to be the case, making me very loathe to go! Always beautiful, whatever the weather.

Rachel Phillips said...

No questions here just good to hear you are beating the Covid and can see light at the end of the tunnel. Nearly there.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good to hear from you - hope the Covid vanishes completely very soon.

gz said...

Good to hear that you are seeing COVID off.
Roses and geraniums are a good garden combination xx

The Weaver of Grass said...

Debby This is my first taste of Covid. I no longer go out - my Carer and I went down with it on the same day. I have been quite ill - no appetite, extreme weakness, bad cough. I am picking up now and almost in the clear. Not nice. Still no appetite but this symptom seems to attack everyone who catches it. I have never missed a vaccination - had one six weeks ago.

Damselfly said...

So glad to see your post and hear you're feeling better!
Hope your carer is doing well.
Roses & geraniums are lovely in the garden, and I'm glad you're enjoying them.
Hope your appetite improves and food is tasty once again.

Mary said...

So very pleased to know you are 'out of the woods' dear Pat.
Take care and regain your vim and vigor quickly - and stay well from hereon out X

gmv said...

I'm so happy to hear that you are testing negative for the dratted COVID and that you are up prowling around for something to eat. Nature is the best medicine and the birds and flowers must help you feel better.

Heather said...

So pleased you are rid of the dreaded Covid. I have managed to avoid it so far, but I had a really unpleasant reaction to the latest booster jab, which has left me with no energy. I don't fancy having another one. I hope you will begin to enjoy your meals again and to be able to move about once more.

Jules said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better, Pat. Xx

John Going Gently said...

My grandmother always swore that tinned peaches were the best thing to eat

Virginia said...

I'm relieved you're starting to feel better Weaver. Covid is such an unpredictable swine, isn't it.

I hope that the summer weather will mean you can sit on your porch, or at least in an open doorway, and enjoy some warmth, and the views of your wonderful garden. Hoping each day sees you with more strength and a better appetite .

Anonymous said...

Glad to read that you are feeling better. Jackie

Red said...

Good that you're finally leaving Covid behind.

Cro Magnon said...

I'm pleased to hear that you're feeling better; most of us have almost forgotten about Covid, although here in France I'm seeing a lot of people wearing masks (not me).

Librarian said...

Nice to know your bout of Covid is on the retreat, and hopefully, you'll soon be able to taste those kitkats again.
I am intrigued as for your garage door - you don't drive anymore, so why is it so important to have the batteries on the door changed the very day your electrian returns from a holiday?

thelma said...

Keep getting better, I miss the daily meals your carer once used to cook for you. The plants are indeed lovely at this time of year and it is warm for once, though changing on Thursday.

Rachel Phillips said...

Meike, I think you will find that the garage is like another room to Weaver and in it she keeps her freezer and her bins both of which she needs to have access to.

Karla said...

SO glad to hear you're done with Covid. It's lovely that you can look out in your garden and see flowers all around you. Flowers always cheer me up.

Sue said...

I pleased to hear that Covid is at last beating a retreat for you. There's nothing worse than all your food tasting bland or yucky when you're ill is there, when all you crave is small tasty nibbles to try and get your strength back up.

Melinda from Ontario said...

I hope your KitKat starts working its magic again by afternoon tea time. (I keep a stash of KitKats as well except mine are full size.)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see your post and know you are feeling better. Kit Kats have healing properties don't they? Perhaps doubling up your usual consumption... Pat in Pennsylvania

Librarian said...

Thank you for the explanation, Rachel. Yes, I remember Pat mentioning the use of her garage for other things than storing a car. But I would have thought that the door between her bungalow and the garage is a "regular" door, not like a motor-driven door like the big one at the front of the garage.

anonymous said...

Now that you're tested clear of Covid you will begin regaining a bit more strength and well being with each passing day,I am relieved and very happy for you,Mary

Anonymous said...

Hope you regain
Your Kit-Kat taste,
So those you've got cupboarded
Don't go to waste.
Retrain your tastebuds
To savor your treat
And in no time at all
You'll taste vegies and meat !

Best wishes to you Pat -from Pam.

Daisy Debs said...


Tasker Dunham said...

It's steps forward and steps back for me too, now. I try to go forward more than back, but things conspire against it.

Shannon Mackle said...

Make your Ex love you again______

Revive broken relationship.

Highly recommend!!

( Dr_mack @ ) y A H o O. C o m.

Shannon Mackle said...
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The Weaver of Grass said...

Thank you everyone = and thanks for the poem Pam.

I will explain about the importance of the garage.

I sold my car when I was mid eighties - I firmly believe tha no-one of over 85 should drive - reactions are alower.
But, as Eachel remembers - my freezer and my tumble drier are both in there But the real importance of my garage is the ease of access. If I go out of my patio door I cannot negotiate the step down. Neither can I bend down to fasten the doors back. My front door has two steps down on to the path. I cannot negotiate these with my Rollator. For this reason my Rollator is stored in the garage which is attached to the kitchen and my back (side) door. So I need the easy opwn (electric and battery) door on the garage to get out into the garden.

Thank you all for your good wishes.

anonymous said...

Thank you for leaving a new note,Pat, it's good to hear from you again,Mary

Victoria said...

Good to know you are feeling better. Hope your health and energy return swiftly.

The bike shed said...

I hope you are now recovered. I smiled at your comment that everything tastes like cardboard - I felt that when I had Covid but I guess it is the least of the side effects.

Tom Stephenson said...

Somehow I missed this post Weave. I hope you get your sense of taste back soon.

Susan said...

Thinking of you.

Terra said...

Goodbye to the dread covid and hello to finding more pleasures in life again, like listening to bird song. I smile when I hear them because they sound like they are celebrating, look at me, this is my tree. Be well. said...

Hope you are having tea and a kitkat!

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donna baker said...

Pat, I've been caring for my husband for two years now. I wanted to let you know how much enjoyment I got from your blog. It was a pleasure getting to know you. I still have my copy of Cider With Rosie. Till we meet again....