Thursday 29 August 2019

Busy Day

First of all I need to say how horrified I am by the latest move by Boris Johnson - I feel it is so very undemocratic and I fear for the future.   I know that what I know of Politics and World Affairs could be  written on a Postage Stamp but I also know that as Brits we should be proud to have one of the best Democracies in the World and this move goes against that.    It also puts the Queen in such an awkward position - I am not really a Royalist but even I can see that.   Well that has got that off my chest even if I dont really know what I am talking about.  That last sentence has been put there to discourage you from telling me so in your comments.   But I really can#t start chatting about everyday things and let you think I am letting this whole thing float over my head.   I do care but at my age I feel utterly helpless to do much but sit back and think of more frivolous things.   I shall put on my usual post later in the day - quite a busy one - when I return home from a trip out.


Heather said...

I felt a sense of alarm when I heard the news, but what can we do about it? What will be, will be, and we can only hope for the best. You would think that with all those combined educated brains in Parliament, we should never have reached this sorry state of affairs.
Looking forward to hearing about your busy day later. Enjoy it.

Rachel Phillips said...

Look back at Clement Attlee and see it done before. Perhaps you would have felt the same then or maybe not I suspect. Perhaps you even remember it. The sorry state of affairs has been reached because the Remain MPs have failed throughout to accept the result. We should by now have been up and running outside the EU.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I just, in a cowardly manner, switched on to delete my post as I didn't wish to create a furore. Having read your two comments then I shall leave it on. Yes Rachel I do remember Clement Atlee's actions. I am not at all political I just feel so horrified by the time that has been wasted onall of this while things like education, health and other major issues seem to have been sidelined. I shall leave the post on now as I am really interested in what my other readers have to say.

Derek Faulkner said...

I totally agree with Rachel. We have a group of Remainers as MP's who (1) refuse to accept the Referendum decision voted for by the public and (2) have made it quite clear that no matter how many years it takes, they will continue to put obstacles in the way of us achieving Brexit. At last, someone, Boris, has stood up and said enough is enough, we will bring this to an end, one way or another - well done that man!
As for Bercow denouncing what Boris has done - Bercow invoked an archaic parliamentary convention that pre-dates the Gunpowder Plot, earlier this year in order to disrupt the Brexit process.

the veg artist said...

I'd bash their heads together - but then I'd be the one in trouble!

Tom Stephenson said...

I am afraid to say that you do know what you are talking about, Weave - well as much as anyone else here does, anyway.

Joan (Devon) said...

I don't understand politics either Pat, but I doubt that understanding it would make me feel any happier about the sorry state of our country. I read Rachel's postings on her blog and wish that I could understand what she is saying as she seems so informed on the subject. All I can understand is how I feel about it all and it is despair for the future of our children, grandchildren and the country as a whole. I can't get it out of my head what a proud nation we once were, now we are a laughing stock. I heard someone on television yesterday say that Britain is now a third world country and I totally believe her.

Rachel Phillips said...

Actually health, education and other major issues, as you call them, have not been sidelined and it is business as usual, it is just that they are not reported in your news sources because Brexit is what catches the headlines. Same as the fighting and famine in Yemen,or Syria, hardly get a mention.

Alphie Soup said...

Everything will be alright in the end Weaver Pat. If you need a brief respite you can always return to the two blankets and maybe add a pillow.

Red said...

No matter what age we are we still have to be aware of what's going on and do whatever we can to change things. The older you are the better as you have knowledge and experience to use. Never let them get away with dirty politics.

Traveller said...

I am with you on this one Weaver. I think I would have preferred it if Boris had been honest and said that he was proroguing parliament because he only had a one vote majority and was worried that he would lose a no confidence vote.

No one campaigned on leaving the EU on WTO rules. They all said we would get a great deal.

Eleanor said...

I totally agree with comments made by Rachel and Derek. How much Parliamentary time do they need to "discuss" this, they have no intention of standing by the result of the vote made by the people of this country, a vote which we were told was a one off and the result carried out.

EM Griffith said...

There's an anonymous quote: "May you live in interesting times."
We certainly do. Haven't we always?

Considering news on both sides of the pond (and globally), knowing news media makes more money when it can rile folks up, I've found myself wondering what would happen if things turn out better than their dire predictions suggest? That would be interesting. No doubt something else would be found to encourage knotted knickers.

Anyway, hope you had a fabulous day!

Librarian said...

I have no idea what you are all talking about - didn't watch the main news last night (I was out running) and have not had time (or inclination) all day to catch up with news online. Maybe tonight will bring enlightment...

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks everyone - perhaps I need to sleep on it for a night or two.
You are right about one thing Rachel - the only thing that makes News is the headlines - all other issues may be happening but are not headlined. What a world.

Rachel Phillips said...

If you know not to rely on tv or radio news then it is possible to find world news through your own sifting. As far as leaving the EU is concerned the suspension of Parliament for a few days does not mean that a no-deal is sought or any more likely; it is likely that the EU will see fit to kick the can up the road for a bit longer and come to a deal with us. Many things go on that are not in the news, and thank goodness some cards are held close to the chest.

Sackerson said...

On the question of Atlee proroguing parliament... He did so in order to stop the Lords delaying his legislation apparently: which can hardly be deemed undemocratic, as the Lords are unelected! He did not, as Johnson is doing, do it to prevent the Commons from foiling his plans. Moreover, Atlee had been elected PM - unlike Johnson, who hasn't (but who used to think PMs ought to have led their parties into general elections). Also, Atlee commanded a majority of 145 so had no need to bypass democracy to get his own way.

Clearly not a precedent for the current shenanigans then. The most recent dubious proroguation was probably John Major's in 1997, the purpose of which was to cover up sleaze (there are articles about it out there on the net).

I suspect Johnson is trying to talk up the threat of a no-Deal Brexit, hoping to pull a deal out of the hat at the last minute, after which he can berate his opponents and, he hopes, ride the crest of a public-opinion wave through a general election. Churchill will be invoked... However, it was the case that the afore-mentioned Atlee wiped the floor with Churchill in the 1945 election. After the war, people's priorities changed and if Brexit is settled, it may well be that, now as then, people's priorities will shift to health, welfare and education. If so, they may again vote Labour in droves.

Rachel Phillips said...

And then the voters saw what a mistake they had made and voted them out again.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

I am shocked too Weave - people are angry because it feels like we will be forced into leaving with a no deal - how can we have spent so many months not really discussing the important topic of leaving and now Boris says there will be ample time in the few remaining days once parliament is allowed to sit again. The people did not elect Boris anyway - he has been forced upon us and the only way he can get his own way is to suspend parliament. As they say though what goes around comes around. We are just becoming a laughing stock to the rest of the world - the phrase 'couldn't plan a p*** up in a brewery' springs to mind.

bristol limey said...

I am an 82 year old Anglo American and read your post every day from my perch in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western Virginia I am a Yorkshireman and enjoy reading your post as it reminds me of home.Thank you

Alphie Soup said...

Thanks for the Atlee explanation, Google isn't the place to look for detail on events of 75+ years ago..

The Weaver of Grass said...

Phew - that has done a bit of airing. Seems we all feel strongly about it in one way or another. Thanks to you all.

Rachel Phillips said...

I read Attlee's biography coincidentally about 3 months ago. Don't worry Sackerson, your mother never listens to me!

Rachel Phillips said...

No Alphie Soup, Google is no source to use. Go to the library. Read Attlee's biography. It was a fascinating time in the history of Great Britain.

Melissa hogan said...

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