Friday 18 December 2015


What a week this has been weather-wise up here in the Yorkshire Dales.   Last Saturday it snowed all day and the roads were icy and in places impassable.   Tuesday, when my friends came to stay, it was thick fog all the way here from Cumbria.   When they went home on Wednesday it was gloriously sunny and breezy here but thick fog as they got into Cumbria.  Today it is cloudy, drizzly and very warm for December.   And to think it is only three weeks since huge parts of Cumbria were under water.   Contrary would you call it?

The farmer can't get on to the fields to do anything as (to quote him) everywhere is 'mud up to the eyeballs'.

And through all this some of my garden roses are still flowering - particularly Gertrude Jekyll, and the primroses and winter jasmine are in full bloom.


Denise said...

I love to read Your post's and dream about Me being in the Yorkshire Dales. Enchanting to Me.Merry Christmas-Denise

Morning's Minion said...

Only a few nights of sharp frost last month put an end to my roses, but some self-sown and garish petunias in a protected corner near the house continue to bloom. A strange December of weather here in Kentucky as well.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Minimum Temp here last night 10 C ! That's roughly what it should be in June.

Dawn said...

I just want to see a proper winter arrive, at least if the ground is frozen we wont be sloshing about in mud, its far to mild its confusing nature and wildlife as well as me :-)

donna baker said...

Flowers? What luck. It is strange. It will be warm this week and Christmas day with highs at 65 degrees F which is wonderful to me. I'm not a cold lover (nor mud and muck.)

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Once again today the sun was out until I opened the front door! Then it rained. Again.

Heather said...

It is so mild down here I turned the heating off this morning. It will come on again for the evening. Our cherry tree is almost in full flower and I have seen daffodils in some gardens. Our polyanthus are looking very pretty and the winter jasmine is almost over. I can't help thinking that we are going to get some very cold weather sooner or later and it will come as a shock. It certainly doesn't feel like Christmas.

Coppa's girl said...

I'm so glad to read that your roses and jasmine are still flowering - it sounds as though you need to see the blooms to lift your spirits.
A lovely sunny day her in Spain, and quite mild around 23º, so this afternoon I took one of the dogs on a favourite walk through the nearby woods. More sunshine forecast for the next few days, so down on the coast there will be those from colder climates sunbathing and even swimming in the sea !

The Weaver of Grass said...

It is usually mild over the Christmas period isn't it - so we will see what next week brings. Thanks for popping over.

Derek Faulkner said...

I had a bumblebee feeding on primrose flowers yesterday - crazy!

Joanne Noragon said...

It continues unseasonably warm this year. The children are disappointed there will be a very green Christmas, and I nod so sympathetically.

Hildred said...

December here is pretending to be November. |I would expect blue sky and sunshine as well as nippy temperatures, but we are fogged in and stormy and I guess it has a lot to do with warmer currents down the west coast. Only three more days until December 21st and the days start getting lonbger!!!!

Terry and Linda said...

WOW You still have blooms and green grass...lucky you.


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Our weather has been amazingly rainy - 5 inches just this week - and much more to come. Fields are flooded and our yard squishes like a big sponge if we walk on it. I'm glad this amount of rain has not been snow as they say an inch of rain is a foot of snow. At least we are getting snow in the mountains for our summer water supply and the lakes are very full.

angryparsnip said...

Our weather is so strange this year My brain can figure it out.

cheers, parsnip

Rachel Phillips said...

It is nice to be mild. Makes the house warmer. Saves logs. Makes life easier because it is easier than shunting about in frost and snow if you want to move and walking is easier because you don't have to be frightened about slipping over.

Anonymous said...

We could do with do with some frosts here, to stop the birds being certain spring has sprung and breeding can start. The dawn chorus is getting going which worries me in Dec.

Elizabeth said...

Quite quite batty!
Yes, roses are still blooming here.
Actually I'm quite glad of the warmish weather
to get out and get things done!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

We got snow here in Ontario starting on Friday. It is cold and the snow has stayed, but the rest of the week is looking like mild temperatures and rain, so we are in for a green Christmas. Very odd. -Jenn

GillyK said...

I saw a BUTTERFLY yesterday. It was inside the church though so perhaps it was a holy one!

Barbara Martin said...

Weather everywhere has been odd. In Bergen it's been barely raining with no sign of snow. In Toronto barely a whisp of snow, though with a decided nip in the air with the breeze. Warmer temperatures are expected later on in the week. Flowers are nice though.

thousandflower said...

My winter jasmine is gorgeous this year and we have a few hellebores blooming as well.