Monday 24 August 2015

Laziness kicks in sometimes.

Yesterday was a lovely sunny, breezy day - just right for drying the hay and we had high hopes.   Then around seven o'clock the dark clouds appeared, the lightning flashed around the sky as it did the night before and it began to pour with rain.   By this morning there had been well over an inch of the stuff - our hay lying in the field must be floating.

Me - the novice as far as hay is concerned - pleaded with the farmer to go round by the field on our way back from our celebration Wedding Anniversary lunch.   I just wanted him to look how it was getting on after such a lovely day.

He said it was best to just leave it alone.   And how right he was.   Had he shaken it up it would have been even worse.   He told me that one year when he was a child they had hay lying for three weeks before it was dry enough to collect in.   And it was some of the best hay they had ever had.   And that in the days when hay was really vital to winter feed.

Best to leave it to the professionals.

As my heading suggests - I slept badly and am now thinking of getting tea ready.   Laziness has kicked in and I shall blog no more today.   Have a nice evening.   Incidentally, after a reasonable day today black clouds are gathering - maybe a repeat performance?


Gwil W said...

It's good to be lazy. Without rest we'd quickly fall apart. It's during our rest periods our bodies do their housekeeping. They appreciate days off.

Joanne Noragon said...

How much wisdom folks accumulate about the jobs they perform for so many years. So much to be learned all over again by the next generation.

SandyExpat said...

Glad you had a nice day yesterday and sorry to hear about the poor night of sleep. I often think it is a bit unfair how sleep works. When I was young and a good sleeper my small children had me getting up at night and the day started very early as my husband left early for work. I was up getting his breakfast and packing a lunch for him to take with him along with a flask of coffee. I just dated myself I think. Retired now and I can't remember the last time I slept thru the night and am awake and up at the crack of dawn.

Interesting to read about the hay making (had no idea it was so difficult) and has the U.K. had more storms than usual this year. I do not remember torrential rain or many storms growing up in Suffolk.

Happy Anniversary a day late.

donna baker said...

I couldn't sleep last night either and I am still running on adrenaline. The rain just never seems to come when we want it. Maybe in the future, one of the new inventions will be rain on demand.

Anonymous said...

Old country wisdom usually gets it right. I am hoping it does dry up for you :o)

thelma said...

The rain seems to come in the evening over here as well, leaving everything damp. Short bursts of laziness are very good for regaining some physical strength and pondering the ways of the world!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

It's not even PM here, and I am falling asleep. Good grief. It has crossed the pond.
:) m & jb who is sensibly napping

The Weaver of Grass said...

I do like Gwil's idea of our bodies doing their housekeeping during rest periods. I shall use that as an excuse in future.

Bovey Belle said...

So do I Pat - it's a lovely saying and I shall try and remember it. Sorry you are still having day after day of rain. We had a dry day today but tomorrow will be back to some more of the wet stuff so it will be indoor jobs.

angryparsnip said...

With all you do some rest time is needed !
A storm is suppose to zoom in about midnight I hope that is true.
We need the rain !

cheers, parsnip

Terry and Linda said...

Terry said the same to leave it alone. Once dry though it can be good.


Heather said...

It has rained all day today here but this evening at the front of the house the sky is a most wonderful golden yellow and at the back there is a gorgeous rainbow making the biggest arc I have ever seen. I hope that the right conditions arrive in time for the hay crop to be saved.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Laziness is good on anniversary days.

Anonymous said...

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