Sunday 28 October 2012

Food for thought.

This book is well worth my recommendation.   I read about it a couple of weeks ago in the Saturday Guardian newspaper and was attracted to it really because I have always been fascinated by Robert's (The Solitary Walker's) posts about his walks on the route to Santiage de Compostella.  In fact I have done a couple of stretches of it in the past - more by accident than design.

I sent for the book from The guardian bookshop and it came promptly and cost less than its list price (they are an excellent place to order books)'

As well as being an interesting travel book, the kind that spots all kinds of little stories rather than look at the scenery, it is also the author's explanation of his inner journey to find himself.   I found it very revealing.   If you get the opportunity, do read it. 


ArtPropelled said...

Sounds like my kind of book. Thanks for the recommendation, Weaver.

ArtPropelled said...

I've just read the prologue on Amazon and had to laugh. This is so typical of life in Africa. We've become used to it but travelers are often surprised by the mishaps, one after another. It's part of the magic and then there is African time which means it will happen when it happens.... in it's own time.

Heather said...

Your recommendations are always reliable Pat - I must look out for it. Goodness knows when I will get to read it as I haven't finished 'At the Yeoman's House' and there are at least half a dozen others by various authors awaiting my attention!

Woman Seeking Center said...

Pat this looks to be a fasinating read - thank you! I'll be checking into it (and from the supplier you mentioned also) soon....


George said...

This sounds quite interesting, Pat, and I plan to check it out.

Gerry Snape said...

This looks like a good one to think of in the future when I get through all the ones that I keep being given as ..."great reads!"...but like yourself I am facinated by this pilgrimage and follow a blogger who keeps one of the hostels on the route.

rkbsnana said...

Just dropped by to say hello as I have been quite remiss in my blogging. Take care.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Oh goodness.
Another irresistible book.

Crafty Green Poet said...

looks like an interesting book!

Dave King said...

Yes I read about it, too. Did spark my interest. I shall watch out for it.

Dartford Warbler said...

Thank you for the recommendation. I`ll look out for this one.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I hope anyone who manages to get hold of the book enjoys it. I ust say I found it very good indeed. I have finished it now and shall pass it on to a friend immediately. Thanks for visiting.