Tuesday 30 November 2010

Life at a standstill.

Life has almost ground to a standstill here in North Yorkshire. There has just been a two hur long blizzard and all the places where the snow had been cleared are now filled up again. The farmer and I went into town to do some food shopping and are now home and well-stocked-up.

In town everyone is struggling to walk on the uncleared footpaths - there seems to be a philosophy that providing the paths are left uncleared then, if someone falls, it is nobody else's responsibility. This means that most people walk out in the road way - and that makes driving more of a hazard.

Local schools are mostly closed - children are bussed in from a wide area and staff often live quite a long way away from school too.

Our animals (sheep and heifers) are being fed outdoors. They have thick winter coats and don't seem to mind the weather. The farm cats seem to be venturing out only to be fed and the food is disappearing off the bird table almost as fast as we can put it on. Yes - Winter has come early this year and as yet there is no sign of it lessening its grip, so we had better get used to it.

Thanks to you all for your marvellously uplifting messages of support - you will never know how grateful I have been to receive them over the last few days. Love to you all.,


mrsnesbitt said...

Hi Pat - thank goodness for the internet - our experience of the bad weather sounds the same as yours Our village was featured on the news a few days ago when a coach sped off the bend a mile up the road Keep warm and take care
Hugs across the dales from the moors Dxxx

Pondside said...

I saw on the news that you have been hit badly. Over here the rains have come and we are gradually losing all of last week's snow. Best to stay warm and snuggly in your well-stocked kitchen!

Everyday Goddess said...

we haven't experienced anything like this yet on coastal new england, maybe soon though!

stay warm and safe!

Tess Kincaid said...

There's a warm, balmy rain falling here. I wish it was snow. Glad to know you're safe and warm.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

The world is really topsy-turvy these days. Here in north-eastern Canada, we are still waiting for a significant snowfall - so not the norm for this time of year.

Hope you are taking care of your sweet self ... and are enjoying some of the benefits of being forced to slow down for a while.

angryparsnip said...

When the weather is so bad at lest you won't be enticed to go outside.

We had a hard freeze last night very early for us, usually starts in January or February. Must check on my citrus today and possible add some lights for them to keep warm. See if I lost any fruit.
It does get cold in Tucson but our days do warm up nicely.

Stay warm and toasty in your kitchen
Hope you feel better soon.

cheers, parsnip

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Glad you are stocked up with food. If you need any hot chocolate bringing across, let me know!

We're all building snow giraffes in Neckelchester village this afternoon! :)

thousandflower said...

Stay warm and take care of yourself. I so enjoy reading your blog.

MorningAJ said...

Stay indoors and keep warm. Because I don't think the winter's going to stop any time soon.

My mum had a theory that if the snow arrived before her birthday (which would have been today) it stayed till at least Dad's birthday. (January 12) So batten down the hatches. And look after yourself.

Heather said...

We have only had the lightest of snowfalls - just bitter cold air and iron hard ground. It's good to know you feel fit enough to go shopping and are well stocked up. Pull up the drawbridge, stoke the wood burner and reach for a lovely book. 'If winter comes can Spring be far behind?' I think we still have a good way to go!! I have just typed 'gibaggis' as the word verification. I hope my blog and comments aren't a load of old gibaggis!!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Wow, wow and wow. We don't get snow here in Phoenix so it's easy for me to admire because I don't have to go out in it. Hope everyone stays safe.

Jeannette StG said...

Read a few of your last posts to understand...scary Weaver! Especially because you don't remember anything. Hope that they find out the cause of it. Glad you're okay for now -please stay safe!

PurestGreen said...

I am so glad to hear you are on the mend. I do hope the doctors continue looking for what caused the problem. Do take good care of yourself!

Here all the schools are closed also, going into the third day. Walking to work is just that - work. Stay warm lovely Pat!

Gwil W said...

Today I posted a package to Joan Cairns. It's a small present in return for your Poetry2010 poems. It contains 3 books. One each. You can both fight for them with Dominic. Actually, I thought the haiku might be the best one for D.
Good wishes,

Penny said...

I always think our searing heat for days on end is bad, but I suppose snow and cold has the same affect. A few days staying indoors is fine but after a while you get stir crazy.
A time for reading and knitting, painting and cooking.
Have you read Randolph Stow's "The Merry-go-round in the sea?" Out in the new penguin re prints, very descriptive of Australia as I remember it as a child.

steven said...

weaver i rode to and from school on my bicycle through a ten celsius rain. the snow that fell on the weekend is gone. i expect it'll shift back downwards shortly but to all my friends and relatives ine ngland. especially those up on the pennines and into the dales i send love and warmth. rich cakes, ale and someone who loves you. steven

Blu-I'd-Blonde said...

It was such a delight to read your blog. I'm located in the middle U.S. in the state of Kansas. We are entering the winter months also. Had our first snow already. Snow is beautiful, but when it comes with ice, it's no fun.

I read deep enough on your blog to know you've been going through a rough time. I hope you will heal and be much better soon. Till next time.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Same vista here Weaver, Kids off skool for the third day. Don't go sledging will ya!

Golden West said...

Hi Weaver,

It sounds like life is getting more normal, thankfully. The snow gives you a good opportunity to work on your beautiful bookcovers or do some handwork, safe inside, warm with the wee pup and the Farmer.

So glad to hear your recovery is steady. All best wishes.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Sorry to have missed your earlier blog and sending you all best wishes. Keep inside and stay warm!