Wednesday 7 June 2023


 How lucky we are to have our little blogging community - many of you, like me, live alone - but never lonely.   Only to switch on my computer to be greeted by a group of dear friends.   We share each others highs and lows - John's Scotch eggs, dogs and new life awaiting him, Cro's stonking cold (and Lady M's too), Si's wander through fields of orchids and buttercups.   I look out of the window - still enveloped here in the East in heavy cloud which the Weather ladies say 'should' waft back to the North Sea but it doesn't always.   Monday it disappeared and we had a glorious sunny day, yesterday heavy cloud all day and chilly with it.   Grey today with a sharp Easterly breeze.   So sunbathe to your heart's content you lot over in the West but spare us a thought under our shawls.

My Shingles are taking their time to leave but they have abated enough to allow my carer to give me a gentle shower today and I feel much better for it.  And now to see she has left me a beautiful salad for lunch just adds to the pleasure.   Out to lunch tomorrow with friends S and T brings about a debate on what to wear with my carer (she is in charge of my wardrobe and I have to say she keeps it in much better order than I ever did).  

The big dilemma is (chaps look away now) shingles and bras don't go together - (at least not where I have got them)  and as I have said before - I admit to being vain - I go out rarely and like to look my best when I do get the opportunity to venture forth.  No changing from a to b to c in front of the mirror.  I decide, my carer gets the items from my wardrobe (all colour-coded and woe betide anyone who dares to put anything in the wrong place) and that's it.  So we shall see what emerges.

Incidentally the same applies to my airing cupboard.   All towels are stacked taking in mind size and colour.  Nobody but nobody puts the towels away when they emerge from the tumble drier but my carer.   As my cleaner says when she comes once a month to 'go through' as she says, when she comes in to start everywhere looks immaculate ( the Vacuum cleaner tells a completely different story when she finishes.   Wherever does it all come from?)

Well I couldn't think what to write about today so sorry if I have rambled on but give a ninety year old a bit of slack - there will always be the odd day  when things go pear-shaped.


Rachel Phillips said...

Sounds like you and your carer are very alike when it comes to order in the house. Just as well really.

Anonymous said...

I think you are far too harsh on yourself when it comes to blogging.

JayCee said...

My cupboard contents start off like that - all ordered by size and colour - but that all breaks down far too quickly and ends up in a jumble.

Anonymous said...

Here in Canada, there are many forest fires burning. Although none are near Toronto, we can smell the smoke, and our eyes are watering. I do wish I had a lovely carer like you have. I would love it if someone brought me even just one meal and sorted my closet.. I read your blog every day, also Johns and you are right, I feel like you are friends and you keep me from feeling too lonley. Thanks. GG

Barbara Rogers said...

I recently met an old acquaintence at church, and she asked if I attended regularly. I said not that often, but I'm happy to be alone and not lonely. I do have a group of friends in person as well as a whole village of bloggers I read, and sometimes add even more! Yours and Johns are among them! This virutal group is so diverse and interesting to read their/your stories - I love it more than the news! Who wouldn't!

Ellen D. said...

I call you all my "blogging friends" and check in every day to see what is going on with everyone. I am happy to see any new posts and am not picky about content. I just look forward to our daily "visits"! Thanks, Pat!

Anonymous said...

Shingles and bras....years ago a work friend was semi-surreptitiously rubbing around sort of lower than where the band of her bra would be and saying "I have the weirdest rash" so we ducked into the ladies room and she pulled up her suit jacket - and indeed the weird rash had that characteristic cross hatch appearance. I said "SHINGLES" and walked her down to the building nurse, who sent her off to her doctor for treatment and she had a miserable couple of weeks, in part because the rash spread around to all sorts of bra territory. She repeated the identification story and I had quite a reputation as a diagnostician for a while.

I could use a closet sorter and disciplinarian not to mention a salad-bringer!


gz said...

That sounds definitely sorted and not pear shaped atall!

It is nice to be part of the blogging community, to hear of experiences from around the globe.

hart said...

Glad Shingles is abating. It is an awful condition and mine attacking the spine has left me with a likely permanent numbness in part of my foot. I do not blog but read faithfully and they can be a sort of substitute company.

Gerry Snape said...

I gave up on bras when I broke my wrist very badly in decision ever...always a bit skinny!!!

Barbara Anne said...

What good news that the shingles are disappearing!

Nice to happily anticipate your lunch date with friends tomorrow. Hope the weather will call for a cozy jumper with a fleece jacket and no one will get a hint at what garment you've left at home!

We're having 3 days of 'poor air quality' in our part of Virginia due to the many wildfires in Canada so we will be staying home. Hope the fires are out soon.


DUTA said...

Quite a few women gave up on the bra, as it was suspected of having something to do with breast cancer.

Heather said...

It has been chilly down here for several days in spite of sunshine. Today I actually felt warm and sat with the windows open for a few hours. Next week is supposed to be warmer. Glad your shingles are abating - horrid things.
Enjoy your lunch with friends tomorrow.

Susan said...

I am glad to hear you are feeling better. In Massachusetts, it continues to be cool and cloudy with hazy air due to the fires in Canada.

John Going Gently said...

You have been a part of my life for a decade plus now
U have been like Albert , always in the background , important and much loved
Remember that

Debby said...

I enjoy your thoughts, the little glimpses of your life (past and present). I feel lucky to have stumbled upon you. I agree with Anonymous up there: You are too hard on yourself when it comes to blogging.

I am glad that your shingles are easing up.

Anonymous said...

Like others have mentioned, I look forward to your posts, more so than the news. In the morning it's Pat first, then the paper. Am so pleased when you are well, and any post is a good one. x - Pam.

Cro Magnon said...

Like you, I love my daily visits around the world. From about 5 am to 7 am my laptop has my undivided attention. Blogs, Emails, banking, some news, and Facebook, all get seen to and sorted!

Jules said...

I always look forward to reading your posts, Pat, whatever the subject. Xx

Librarian said...

Like you, I consider our small blogging community - with overlapping "circles" - an integral part of my life. It is one of the first things I do every morning; check whether there are new comments on my blog and if yes, respond to them, and then do the reading round with my morning coffee and muesli, before I start work.
As for bras, I am lucky enough not to absolutely NEED one, and so if possible (depending on what top or dress I am wearing), sometimes go without one. It is certainly not nice to have even just something like a mozzie bite in a spot where the bra straps go, let alone shingles.

Anonymous said...


The Weaver of Grass said...

Thank you all - I really do feel part of a very special group of friends.
And thank you John for likening me to Albeert for my place in your life Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

You never ramble! We really enjoy reading your blog with so many interesting subjects. We count you as a friend whose opinion we value. Long may you continue.
Wendy (Wales)

Jennifer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer said...

Speaking of bra difficulties, the deep cut on my index finger has made it really tough to fasten mine. I got my husband to help me the other day, and he said, "Wow...I've never tried to get one of these ON before!" hahaha

The Weaver of Grass said...

Jennifer - love it.

Thanks everyone.

Tom Stephenson said...

I think my comment might be in your spam box, Weave.