Tuesday 25 February 2020

One thing for sure.

One thing is for sure today - it is cold.   Somehow, although the wind is nothing like as strong as it has been, it is a very cold, February day.   It will be March at the end of the week - I do hope that by then somebody will have told the powers that be that Spring should be showing at least a few signs that it is on its way and giving us just a little break.   I had a quick walk round my garden this morning and was surprised to see just how many bits and bobs of flowers were out.   So maybe it  is a start.

But looking at the pictures on the TV News this evening of  Ironbridge and Shrewsbury - both on the River Severn - with the river set to peak higher than anything on record and with dozens of houses flooded - and more expected tonight - it does become so absolutely dreadful.   In fact the News altogether is so distressing that I intend to give it a miss for a day or two.   I have done so before but am always drawn back to it, but what with the Coronavirus, the floods, the riots in India, I could go on - as I have no control over any of it perhaps it is best to ignore it.   Do you agree - or is it my duty to listen to it and be aware of it all?

On a happier note I really enjoyed my friends over the week end - we had a pleasant, relaxing time and because we ate the main meal out each day, which did mean that I had very little extra work to do, I was able to enjoy their company for longer.
(and their Birthday chocolates and wine).   They sent me three lovely bookmarkers through the post today - I love bookmarkers and these are quite special - they are already in my poetry books all ready for our Poetry meeting tomorrow.

Until then..........



Bovey Belle said...

There is no rule which says you have to inflict upon yourself the sorrows of the world via the news on a daily basis. It can be very wearying upon the spirit.

I hope that March brings sunshine and lots more spring flowers. There's quite a lot of stuff out early here, but today brought a nasty cold wind and my little stints out to top up the bird feeders were all the fresh air I got!

Gwil said...

I try to study the mainstream news and so-called citizen journalism with the aim of analyzing the content. It’s an education

Debbie said...

There is an old saying that it is spring when you can step on X amount of daisies (it varies between 5 and 12). I'm on the Yorkshire coast and the verges on my road have an abundance of daisies nestling alongside crocuses and daffodils and an odd dandelion. Crazy weather; crazy season!

On the news thing - you wouldn't dream of putting bad food into your body and I feel the same about bad news.

24 hour news has to keep churning out stories to keep up their advertising revenue, keep us all "hooked" on "sticky news" (yes that is actually a thing they train at the BBC) and get higher ratings to keep them all in employment. They don't care how people feel and what damage it does to the spirit - for news organisations it is all about the bottom line.

justjill said...

I get depressed with the news. Difficult to ignore tho.

Heather said...

I find the news distressing and worrying, and do take an interest but, as you say, what can we do about it. What will be, will be.
I can't wait for spring but think we may have to be patient. I remember it snowing on my birthday a couple of years ago when I walked down into town to meet my family for a birthday lunch. That was mid March and we aren't there yet. Not being pessimistic, just prepared!
Enjoy your poetry afternoon.

Rachel Phillips said...

Just read your newspaper to keep up and sift what you want to read, and to what depth.

Tom Stephenson said...

You can be excused for ignoring it all Weave, but John is planning a trip to Venice. He seems to be blissfully unaware of what is going on outside Trelawnyd. Sometimes I envy him, but usually I envy you!

Gwil said...

Hi Pat, you were asking about my comments being turned off. It’s for purely technical reasons. Be back on sometime but maybe with codes.

JayCee said...

I read the news each day but skip over the bits that start to depress me too much.
Very cold here too with sleet and hail showers.
I have decided not to drive to Hospice tomorrow but will stay at home in the warm.
Too tired anyway to do much. Must be the weather.

Midmarsh John said...

I gave up watching television news years ago. They concentrate on such a limited number of topics. I do peruse the news channel's web sites, and others. At least I can choose which events to study in the depth I want. I also gave up listening to most radio news broadcasts. Too little hard news and too much speculation. The only one I hear now are the brief headlines on Classic FM.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

If the news is getting you down I would allow yourself a break. When our cottage in Scotland was badly flooded I was grateful for all the offers of support and kind words etc but I would not have wished anyone to have been upset and distressed about it as there was nothing anyone could do. There was a lot the insurers could have done to have made our loss easier but that is another story. You cannot take on the worlds pain - just do your bit for the people living by you - if everyone did this then everyone would receive help when they need it.

Mandy said...

I ski the daily headlines but that is about all I can stand. I used to really follow the news and get very involved and worried, but I just can't do that to myself anymore. And I agree with the commenter above me. I look out for my neighbors, friends, and family and just do the best I can.

Cro Magnon said...

Everything is happening so fast that it pays to keep ahead of the news; only the important bits though. Papers these days are filled with Meghan, or Love Island, or what celeb has done what; so the actual news is quite easy to filter.

Librarian said...

We've been discussing the "news or no news" question before on your blog, with very interesting and varying responses from your readers.
My take on this topic has not changed - I'd rather be informed, but don't fret over things that I can not change.
Spring! Well, it is definitely here; just listening to the beautiful song of the blackbirds every morning and looking at people's front gardens when I walk to the station on my way to work is enough to prove it. But it has gone really cold over night here, forecast to last for about two days. By the weekend, we're supposed to get up to 16C again!

Tracy said...

I much prefer to read the news on Ceefax (or whatever it is called now), rather than seeing endless heart-rending pictures with emoting presenters telling us what we should be feeling. It all gets a bit too much at times. I was really upset when they said they were scrapping Ceefax, but it seems to have won a temporary reprieve.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks Gwil for bringing me up to date on your blog position.

Thanks for all that News advice - I shall take it to heart.

thelma said...

Poetry and cats go together, perhaps you should have a session of cat poems, they have been written about since early times.

Unknown said...

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Andrea Charles said...

News sometimes depresses me by thinking about what all is happening around the world. Prayers go out for people affected by Coronavirus. Out of all this, I look forward to my friends and families and just relax and spend some quality time with them. I too love bookmarkers and have great collections of them.

Unknown said...

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Well over 160 000 women and men are losing weight with a easy and secret "liquid hack" to burn 1-2 lbs each and every night while they sleep.

It is painless and it works on anybody.

You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:

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Mayura said...

It is depressing to read such bad news. But it is best to read topics that we like instead of focusing only on negative topics. Usually, negative topics and news are shared to gain attention from readers.